Robin’s Housing Story

We met with Robin (on left) to talk about her experience with housing in San Francisco. This month she shares her experience as a black disabled woman. Here is an excerpt from Robin’s story.

Samarth Kohli

Samarth’s experience includes leading, identifying, and analyzing new property acquisition, development, and negotiating deals.

2020 Year in Review

Video review of The Kelsey’s 2020 Milestones and plan for 2021.

Catie Soo

Catie is a graduating senior studying English and Psychology at UCLA.

Our New Brand

Our organization has grown and our new brand reinforces the drive, attention to detail, scale, and seriousness of the work we do.

Ciara’s Housing Story

All in all, I will need something that meets my standard of living before moving anywhere. I refuse to make it more difficult on myself than it already is. I will keep putting the work in and keep filling out applications with hopes that the universe replies, someday, positively.”

Ann Hiền Bùi

Ann is passionate about figuring out solutions to better serve people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Robbie and Beth’s Housing Story

Beth Goddard and Robbie Batista participated in The Kelsey’s Together We Can Do More Report in 2019, and are based in Redwood City, California. Beth’s son Robbie is 20 years old, has a chromosomal abnormality and developmental disabilities.

Raul Orellana

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Raul Orellana is a Latinx, Queer social justice activist.