Rise Justice Labs 2021 Summer Cohort: The Kelsey

This month The Kelsey joins a cohort of three teams who are leading national policy initiatives. We were accepted into the 2021 summer cohort of the Rise Justice Labs accelerator program, running from August to November 2021. This 12-week program is designed to support us in passing federal legislation around disability-forward housing.

Ayer Station and Civic Center Virtual Tours

Allie Cannington, Manager of Advocacy and Organizing provides a virtual tour of The Kelsey Ayer Station and The Kelsey Civic Center to investors and partners.

22 Years After Olmstead

On this day in 1999, Supreme Court’s decision in Olmstead v. L.C., mandated that segregating people with disabilities into institutions constitutes discrimination and violated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Olmstead was a case about housing and community living. L.C., Lois Curtis, had received care in a Georgia hospital. Yet, when she was ready to move back to the community, that option was denied.

Building Housing with Olya and Todd of Sares Regis Group

In this episode, Isaac interviews Olya Krasnykh, Assistant Vice President, and Todd Regonini, Chief Development Officer of Sares Regis Group of Northern California about building housing communities for people with and without disabilities.

Fatimah Aure

Fatimah is currently leading long and short-term program strategies.

Housing Options Available in Oakland

Bring your own services and join The Kelsey’s Oakland partner communities. Create your home, connect with residents, and utilize our signature Inclusion ConciergeTM program. Vetted apartment homes are located at Atlas Oakland, with coliving options at Starcity Downtown Oakland.