Shaped by its late co-founder Kelsey Flynn O’Connor’s experience as a disabled advocate for access and community, The Kelsey is pioneering disability-forward housing solutions that open doors to homes and opportunities for everyone.

It’s hard to give value to people with disabilities if you don’t have proximity and see them as real people who have the same kinds of lived experiences that you do. So, the more separation that we have, the less we’re really getting to the problem.
The Kelsey co-develops accessible, affordable, inclusive multifamily housing for people with and without disabilities. Available to those making 20% to 80% of area median income, The Kelsey housing allows disabled people and others with a wide range of needs and life experiences to live side by side in equally high-quality homes. With its first community open in San Jose, Calif., and 112 homes in development in San Francisco—some of the nation’s most challenging housing markets—The Kelsey proves this model is buildable anywhere. In addition to developing housing and providing on-site Inclusion Concierge services, which promote connection among residents, The Kelsey advocates for policy changes that enable inclusive housing and provides tools and templates for others who want to build housing using The Kelsey’s model.
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The Kelsey Featured on PBS NewsHour!
We are honored and excited to share that The Kelsey was featured on PBS NewsHour! Tune in to learn more about how the housing crisis disproportionately affects people with disabilities and how we’re addressing this critical issue.
Over 70 million people with disabilities in the United States face barriers to housing, including the cost of housing, discrimination, a severe lack of accessible housing, and more. Our mission is to make affordable, accessible, and inclusive housing, what we call “disability-forward” housing, the norm, and we are grateful to be a part of a field and community that is pushing to make this a reality.
The Kelsey in the News

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle

PBS News Hour

Open Minds


CNBC - Personal Finance

San Francisco Examiner

Inside Philanthropy

The Hill

Urban Institute

SF Yimby

Center for American Progress

Design Week

Reasons to be Cheerful

Curbed - San Francisco

San Francisco Chronicle