The Kelsey Featured on PBS NewsHour

The Kelsey and the community at The Kelsey Ayer Station were featured in PBS NewsHour. The episode featured Disability & Housing Narrative Change Cohort member Jensen Caraballo, our Communications Analyst Isaac Haney-Owens, and The Kelsey Ayer Station resident Trevor Lucken.

The VITAL Act has been introduced in the United States Senate.

The VITAL Act, Visitable Inclusive Tax Credits Act for Accessible Living, has been introduced in the United States Senate. If enacted, the bill would increase investment in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) and ensure that developers are building more accessible, affordable housing.

BAHFA Equity Framework: Disability-Forward Recommendations

The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) is the state’s first regional housing finance agency. The Kelsey joined as a member of the BAHFA Equity Working Group, convened by UC Berkeley’s Othering & Belonging Institute, with the working group establishing an Equity Framework to serve as the foundation of the BAHFA Business.

The Kelsey & Urban Institute launch: Disability-Forward Housing Future – A Needs Definition and Case for Impact

The Kelsey partners with Urban Institute on a project entitled: Disability-Forward Housing Future – A Needs Definition and Case for Impact. The research will serve as a blueprint for what existing data tells us, what further research may be needed, and the broad-based policy solutions to meet the need. At key milestones, this project is being guided by a pilot Community Advisory Board, which you can learn more about in this post.

Making the Right to Community Living A Reality

It is Disability Pride Month, 32nd anniversary of the ADA and the 23rd anniversary of the US Supreme Court Decision of Olmstead. Check out the #OlmsteadAt23 Twitter chat recap and hear from partners about how this nation can make the right to community living a reality.