Design Thinking for Inclusive Housing

Design thinking achieves two goals: it opens our minds to what’s possible free from constraints and ensures that we think about needs at the margins.

Together We Can Do More

Learn more about the Together We Can Do More Initiative happening right now in your community. Find more resources including the full report on our Learn Center. See how we’re applying this to The Kelsey Ayer Station and The Kelsey Civic Center.

The Kelsey Ayer Station in the News

The Kelsey Ayer Station featured in The San Jose Mercury News discussing the future of Disability-forward housing in San Jose.

In Conversation with Vinita Goyal, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

We sat down with Vinita Goyal, the Program Officer in Housing and Transportation for the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, to discuss the SVCF’s work in housing and transit, their support of The Kelsey and our project in San Jose, and the importance of affordable housing to create thriving communities in the Bay Area and beyond.

Happy Birthday, Kelsey!

Celebrating Kelsey and her vision for Disability-forward housing and community inclusion.

LOMAH Advocacy Series Podcast – listen here!

The Kelsey Co-Founder Micaela Connery’s podcast interview with Kim Albrecht, the founder of advocacy organization LOMAH discussing disability-forward housing for families with children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

More Inclusion Is…

What if our communities — our housing, neighborhoods, and gathering places — were more inclusive? Imagine what would be possible for all of us.

One Year In

What a year it’s been — fun and challenging, and full of ideas and questions. Every day brings us closer to our goal of building a new model of inclusive community and permanently changing the housing sector to be a more inclusive one across ability and income.

Reflecting on our series with SPUR

This summer, The Kelsey collaborated with the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association, SPUR, on a three part series about inclusivity and cities.