Key Factsheet Highlights
- 18 million disabled people living in the United States are eligible for housing assistance but are not receiving it
- 7 million disabled people live with an adult head of household who is a relative. 52 percent of these heads of household are 55 or older, compared with 41 percent of heads of households without a disabled member
- Only 32 percent of low-income disabled people receive SNAP benefits and 37 percent receive Medicaid
Key Questions Explored
- What are the Characteristics of the Disabled Population?
- What Types of Households Do Disabled People Live In?
- How Many Disabled People Living in the US Receive Housing Assistance?
- Who Is Missing?
Recommendations Include
- Tenant and project-based vouchers
- Development subsidies and incentives targeting housing that includes homes for people with disabilities that are inclusive, integrated, affordable, and accessible
- Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), including housing-related services
- Piloting funds and programs for new community-based housing models that are inclusive of people with disabilities
- More comprehensive and inclusive research on the need for disability-forward housing
Click here to read the full factsheet and methodology from The Kelsey & Urban Institute.