Time & Location

Jun 22, 2022, 12:00 PM PST

About the Event

In 1999, the Supreme Court’s decision in Olmstead v. L.C., ruled that segregating disabled people in institutions constituted discrimination and violated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Two decades later, advocates are still fighting to make this right a reality for people with disabilities.  Join the Disability Economic Justice Collaborative, The Century Foundation, and The Kelsey for the #OlmsteadAt23 twitter chat to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of Olmstead and share your ideas for how we can create a country where all people have equitable access to economic opportunity, housing, home-and-community-based services, and all of community life.

About the Co-Hosts

DEJC is a first-of-its-kind initiative by The Century Foundation that brings together two-dozen leading disability advocacy organizations, Washington, D.C.-based think tanks, and top research organizations. The collaborative is committed to breaking the persistent link between disability and poverty, and to finally achieving economic justice for disabled Americans more than three decades after the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law.

TCF is a progressive, independent think tank that conducts research, develops solutions, and drives policy change to make people’s lives better. We pursue economic, racial, gender, and disability equity in education, health care, and work, and promote U.S. foreign policy that fosters international cooperation, peace, and security. Learn more at www.tcf.org and follow us at @TCFdotorg.

The Kelsey pioneers disability-forward housing solutions that open doors to more affordable homes and opportunities for everyone. The Kelsey develops affordable, accessible, inclusive housing communities designed to scale and leads advocacy to create the market conditions so inclusive housing becomes the norm. Learn more at www.thekelsey.org and follow us @TheKelseyMore 

How to Participate

Follow @TheKelseyMore, @DEJCollab, @TCFdotorg for the latest information about the chat. Questions during the chat will come from @DEJCollab’s handle. 

When the chat starts at 12:00PM PT / 3:00PM ET on June 22, click on the ‘Latest’ tab for the hashtag #OlmsteadAt23. This will show you the questions and everyone’s responses in real time.

Another way to participate in the chat is to use this app that allows you to pause the chat if the tweets are coming at you too fast: http://www.tchat.io/ 

Twitter Chat Questions 

This chat is co-hosted by @TheKelseyMore, @TCFdotorg, and @DEJCollab. (Please follow along with the @DEJCollab handle for the questions on the day of the chat.)

Please note: If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #OlmsteadAt23

Another way to participate in the chat is to use this app that allows you to pause the chat if the Tweets are coming at you too fast: http://www.tchat.io/ 

And feel free to take breaks or join us anytime the 30 minutes is done! 

Q1. Welcome! Please introduce yourself & if you represent an organization. And if you want, share where you are tweeting from and any links with more info about you, your work, or your advocacy! #OlmsteadAt23

Q#2. Today is the anniversary of a landmark SCOTUS case called Olmstead. What do you know about the Olmstead decision, and why is it important to disability economic justice? #OlmsteadAt23

Q#3: Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson, the two named plaintiffs in Olmstead, shared their stories of isolation, segregation, and institutionalization and advocated for their freedom. What is YOUR story or your loved ones’ stories that relate? #OlmsteadAt23

Q#4. While we’ve made progress, the promise of Olmstead has yet to become a reality for most disabled people. What changes need to be made so that all disabled people finally have the freedom to live where & how they want? #OlmsteadAt23

Q#5. What can policymakers, advocates, & others in positions of power do to finally make the promises of Olmstead (inclusion and independent living for all disabled people in the U.S.) a reality? #OlmsteadAt23