Time & Location

Mar 11, 2021, 6:00 PM

Zoom Webinar

Register here.


As organizations committed to making our cities accessible and affordable, join Common and The Kelsey as we team up to co-host an Inclusion Hour: events that support individuals of all abilities and backgrounds to build community and connect.

This virtual panel discussion, moderated by Allie Cannington, is an opportunity to reflect on the power of Crip Camp and learn how disability allyship and advocacy can expand access even further. Learn from this panel of disability community leaders on how allyship continues today.

Whether you are new to learning about disability justice, a veteran disability advocate, or just really enjoyed Crip Camp – this event is for you!
Watch Sundance-winning Crip Camp on Netflix (or for free here) to get excited for this panel discussion.

Crip Camp is a documentary around a summer camp for teenagers with disabilities, transforming their lives and igniting a landmark movement. Crip Camp is about reclaiming and celebrating your identity, telling your story, and discovering the power of community. Winner of the Sundance Audience Documentary Award and executive produced by Barack and Michelle Obama.