Funding Opportunity: Apply to Run San Francisco’s Disability Community Cultural Center! 

Bright blue background with the outline of a black megaphone in the left top corner and the white Kelsey logo right bottom corner with black writing in the center that reads: “Apply by November 23, 2022 to run the future Disability Community Cultural Center!”

The Kelsey and the City of San Francisco Human Services Agency Department of Disability and Aging Services are proud to announce this Request for Proposals for those interested in operating the new Disability Community Cultural Center at The Kelsey Civic Center!

To apply to be the future operator of the Disability Community Cultural Center, you have to go through the City’s formal process. To get started, here is some key information about this opportunity.

What is the Disability Community Cultural Center (DCCC)?

The Disability Community Cultural Center (DCCC) will be a virtual and in-person center that will provide community service programming, educational, artistic, and social networking opportunities for people with disabilities and their allies. It will be located at the future 100% disability-forward and affordable housing community, The Kelsey Civic Center on 165 Grove Street in San Francisco. The DCCC will bring diverse people with disabilities together to access resources, advance social justice, and foster disability culture, community, and pride.

What is the RFP?

The RFP, stands for Request for Proposals – the City of San Francisco is working along with The Kelsey to search for an operator for the DCCC space, and the RFP details the announcement of this search along with application criteria. 

Who can apply?

Individuals, non-profits, for-profit providers, partnerships and/or collectives of people or organizations! Depending on what type of applicant you are, there will be specific requirements. 

How do I apply?

  1. Go to the City’s website using this link: click here
  2. Type the RFP 1075 in the “Event Name” box
  3. Click Search 
  4. Click “EXT HSA | RFP 1075 Disability Community Cultural Center” 
  5. Select “See Attachments” which will bring you to a checklist of all of the components of the application or what the City calls a “bid package” 
  6. Once you fill out the attachments and your application is complete, upload your documents to the “place bid” blue button.

To find the PDF of the RFP packet, click here.

To find the Word version of the RFP packet, click here.

When is the deadline to submit applications? 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 by 3pm PST. 

What do I need to submit to complete my application?

Applicants must write a proposal and clearly identify roles of all partnerships named in the proposal and identify who will hold financial responsibility. Every applicant must submit a Letter of Intent by November 7, 2022. For collectives and partnerships, include a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). 

Make sure your proposal is in line with the mission, vision, values, and guiding principles of the DCCC listed in the RFP, and is responsive to the populations the DCCC intends to serve.

Include a Scope of Work Description outlining the key program elements and services you will provide as a vendor of the DCCC space, as well as any deliverables and objectives.

Organize your proposal content in this order:

  • Table of Contents
  • RFP Cover Page (use the form provided in Section XI)
  • Minimum Qualifications
  • Contracts (up to 2 pages, both public and private)
  • Program approach (up to 10 pages)
  • Organizational Capacity (up to 5 pages)
  • Fiscal Capacity (Budget) (up to 4 pages)
  • Completed page number form

Key Dates: 

  • Submit any written questions you have by November 3, 2022 by 3pm PST.
  • Submit a Letter of Intent by November 7, 2022 by 3pm PST.
  • Submit your proposal by November 23, 2022 by 3pm PST. Submit one electronic copy to and

Have more questions about the City’s process, contact:

For general questions, and recommendations of organizations or groups that should know about this funding opportunity, contact: